Creativity for Business


The CINEMA – Creative Industries For New Urban Economies In The Danube Region project aims to foster urban regeneration by collaborating with creative industries. The revitalization of urban areas and city centers is a key challenge for social cohesion and competitiveness in the Danube Region. Many inner cities suffer from desertion as a result of industrial transformation, changing consumer habits, suburbanization, and so on. Simultaneously, the creative industries are a cradle of innovation and an underestimated economic asset in each region.


The project focuses on three thematic groups:

  • Revitalization of empty floor space for creative industries
  • Revitalization of retail and small businesses within city centers
  • Establishment of support centers for creative industries

Project goals

The result of the project will be in the form of roadmaps for each of the pilot locations. In Košice, Creative Industry Košice in cooperation with Agency for the Support of Regional Development Košice will focus on the project of Creative Center located on Strojárenská 3

Project achievements

After its completion, the CINEMA project was among the finalists of the prestigious Regio Stars Awards 2023 competition in the “Closer to citizens” category. It was one of two programs that made it to the finals and were funded by the Interreg Danube Transnational Program in 2023.


CINEMA covers 8 countries: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Moldova, representing the diversity of social and economic framework conditions in the Danube Region. There are 17 full partners and 6 associated strategic partners.


The project is funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI).

cinema danube interreg

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